We’re giving away a copy of the ESV Scripture Journal: New Testament Set and a one-volume reader’s Bible. To win one of these prizes, you simply have to prove you’d know what to do with it.
If you’ve been with us for the last few years, you might be caught unawares by this post. Here I come—like a thief in the night, like a landowner returning to check on his unprepared stewards, like a bridegroom catching those virgins with insufficient oil, like the lightning that flashes and lights up the sky from one side to the other—to announce this year’s Bible reading challenge earlier than you anticipated.
Have no fear. I do this not to leave you behind but to bring glad tidings of great joy. I do it because many have spoken, and we have listened.
The last few years, we issued a 90-day Bible-reading challenge that had to begin on January 1 and end by March 31. But many folks have told us they would like to be able to get started over the holidays. While many are eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, or chasing a spirit of stupor, we hear that you—the readers of this blog, the champions of the covenant, the heroes who shine like stars in the midst of a present evil age—would prefer to redeem the time when you already find yourself away from your usual responsibilities.
And so we grant your request. This year’s Bible reading challenge may commence immediately. In fact, perhaps it already commenced for you, and you’re just now realizing it.
Here are the rules:
- You must have a United States mailing address to win one of the stated prizes. Residents of other countries will receive a $30 (US) Amazon gift card via email.
- You must read (not scan or skim) all 66 books of the Protestant Bible. You may choose the translation and reading plan (canonical, chronological, etc.). You don’t have to stop and meditate on every detail, but we’re trusting you to be honest about reading and not skimming. Listening to an unabridged audio Bible is acceptable. You may also use any combination of audio and visual reading, as long as you’ve read or listened to the entire Bible within the allotted time period.
- You must read the entire Bible within a 90-day period.
- That 90-day period must end by March 31, 2019. If you’d like to understand why we recommend such fast-paced reading, see our Bible reading plan for readers.
- To enter the drawing, you must fill out the survey below, letting us know the dates you read and what you thought of the speed-reading process. Your thoughts do not have to be glowing, but they should be honest; you’ll still be entered into the drawing if you didn’t enjoy your speed-read.
- In the first week of April 2019, we will randomly select 2 winners from those who have submitted the form. We will email the winners to get their shipping addresses.
- The first prize winner (if US) will get their choice of the ESV Scripture Journal: New Testament Set or a one-volume reader’s Bible in the translation of their choice. (Reviews: ESV, CSB, NIV.) The second prize winner (if US) will get whichever option the first prize winner didn’t choose. Any winner outside the US will receive a $30 Amazon gift card via email.
- Unfortunately, missionaries with DiscipleMakers are not eligible to win the drawing.
We will occasionally post links to the submission form on the blog between now and March 31. But you might also want to bookmark this page for easy access when you’re ready to submit your entry.
If you’d like a checklist to help you stay on pace, here are three. I won’t bother to update the dates, as I don’t know which day you plan to start.
You may now begin any time, and may this be the ride of your life.
Anyone wanting to follow the Sola Scriptura plan, I added it to this reading plan app last year: http://pricejh.com/readingplan/ (90 days)
The app also includes chronological plans and pretty much any other one could want.