One of my favorite verses in all the Scriptures is one I didn’t even notice the first half-dozen times I read it.
There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:1 ESV)
Do you see what that short verse is saying? If so, you’re way ahead of where I was for quite a while. The first times I read that verse my brain somehow translated it into, “Jesus is cool.” Actually, most of the time when I read a verse and don’t think about it much, it gets translated as, “Jesus is cool.” Thankfully, that’s a better statement than what used to enter my head before I was a Christian (which was something like, “Jesus, blah blah blah”), but it’s still not all that helpful.
So how do you go deeper? How do you learn to appreciate this verse, and all the very rich verses of Scripture for that matter? It’s what I call, “finding joy in what isn’t there.” It’s simple, really. I just ask questions about what the text doesn’t say. For example:
- What if there were condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus?
- What if there were no condemnation for those who just followed all the rules, regardless of their relationship with Christ Jesus?
- What if there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus… unless you are seriously messed up? (That is, remove the “therefore” and the context of Romans chapter 7.)
Take a few moments and consider the answers to those questions! The implications would be devastating for us! As you consider each answer, you ought to erupt with thankfulness and praise to the One who caused Paul to pen Romans 8:1 just as it is written so that we know exactly how God has designed things.
- There is absolutely, positively ZERO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus! If you are a Christian, you needn’t fear this ever changing. There is quite literally no way you could be condemned.
- This joyful life devoid of condemnation is not based on our observance of rules, but rather in the person and work of Christ Jesus. This also means that if we are not in Christ Jesus, then condemnation remains for our sin.
- Furthermore, even if we find ourselves in the position of the man in Romans 7 – thoroughly convinced that we are seriously messed up and without hope to change apart from our savior Jesus – then in THAT we find ourselves uncondemned. In other words, Jesus accepts busted-up people, not those who think they’re doing just fine.
The implications are a LOT more than “Jesus is cool”!
Now it’s your turn. What “isn’t there” in your favorite verse?
This is an amazing verse. Tom, thank you so much for drawing out the truths of this passage through the good bible study. This is amazing exegesis! I love seeing great bible study like this. Please post more like this!