Yesterday, I listed seven things which are commonly believed to be in the Bible but really aren’t. Now that you’ve had time to stew, I’ll show my work. Here goes:
1. Adam and Eve frequently walked and talked with God in the Garden of Eden
Despite what the old hymns say, it’s just not in the Scripture. All that Genesis 3:8 says is that there was one particular day when Adam and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden. It may have been a regular habit of his, but we just don’t know for sure.
2. Jesus walked through walls after his resurrection
Observe John 20:19 carefully. It never says that Jesus walked through walls. Sure, the doors were locked. Sure, Jesus came and stood among them. But how did he get there? Was his resurrection body somehow immaterial such that it could pass through solid structures?
Perhaps. But maybe he came in through the window. Maybe he picked the lock and walked through the doorway. Maybe he knocked and knocked until someone opened the door for him. Maybe he opened up a hole in the roof and had four friends lower him on a pallet. All these things are possible; we just don’t know.
Since Luke 24:39-43 makes it abundantly clear that Jesus was not a ghost (a “spirit”), I’m personally disinclined to believe the Jesus-walked-through-walls idea.
3. Christians are commanded to pray before every meal
Mark 6:41 and Luke 24:30 show Jesus “blessing” a meal. 1 Timothy 4:4 suggests that we receive everything with thanks. But I’m not aware of any command in Scripture to offer up a prayer before eating a meal. So, next time you’re visiting with unbelieving friends – especially in public or on their turf – don’t make a big deal out of praying! The Gospel will be offensive enough; don’t put any other stumbling blocks in their way.
4. Young Daniel was tossed into the lion’s den
He had to be around 90 years old when it happened. He was carried to Babylon as a teenager in 605 BC (Daniel 1:1), and he was thrown to the lions during the first year of Darius in 539 BC (Daniel 5:31-6:1) – almost 70 years later. We have one children’s Bible that gets this right; Daniel is an old, old man with the lions. Most of them get it wrong.
5. Judah, Jacob’s fourth son, inherited the rights of the firstborn and became chief heir of Jacob’s blessing
Some suggest that since Reuben (Genesis 49:3-4), Simeon, and Levi (Genesis 49:5-7) lost the rights of the firstborn, they must have gone to Judah, the fourth son. This view is attractive, considering that Jesus descended from Judah.
But the Bible makes it clear that, although Judah, and thus Jesus, was promised the kingship (Genesis 49:10), Joseph inherited the blessing of the firstborn. That’s why his two sons became their own tribes (double portion of the firstborn – Genesis 48:14-16). If you have any doubt of this fact, see 1 Chronicles 5:1-2.
Why does it matter? Because a major theme in Scripture is the preeminence of the younger brother over the rightful older brother. Jesus is the younger brother who replaced all the older brothers who went before him and screwed things up (especially Adam). So also, we who are young, weak, and foolish, were rescued by God to shame the strong and the wise (1 Corinthians 1:26-29).
6. Money is the root of all evil
It’s the love of money that is a root of all kinds of evils (1 Timothy 6:10).
7. God saved Noah because Noah was the only righteous man on earth
This one drives me nuts when I read children’s Bibles to my kids. Noah didn’t find favor with God because he was righteous (no-one is righteous, no, not one – Psalm 14:1-3). He was righteous because he found favor with God (Genesis 6:8-9). Just like us (Ephesians 2:8-10).
First of all: Christianity is not in the Bible. Christianity is a man-made religion, that has nothing at all to do with the LORD Jesus Christ.
To your third point. Please read 1 Timothy chapter 4. And then read about what DENYING the LORD Jesus Christ infront of other people means.
What else is NOT in the Bible? Every single of Christianity’s teachings, including the heathen “trinity”.