From time to time we like to “show our work” and explain what principles drive our Bible study.
In Sunday’s post, we examined Proverbs 1:10, ESV (“My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent”) and saw how the Bible commands us to reject easy money. Here’s how we got there.
By observing the grammar of the verse, we noticed that the main sentence is a command: “Do not consent.” Also, we observed the words: the thing we ought not consent to is enticement from sinners.
In my study, I started with a question: what is the enticement from sinners that we ought not consent to? Is it just anything, or does Solomon have something specific in mind?
Answering that question led me to observe the whole section (Prov 1:10-19) in its context. This examination led me to observe the final verse (Prov 1:19), which makes clear that the chief enticement Solomon has in mind is toward “unjust gain.”
What is “unjust gain”? Acquiring money or possessions through any unlawful means. Since most of the section describes a gang recruiting someone to violence against another person, it would appear that Solomon considers “unjust” any means of gaining money that will hurt other people.
Thus, my conclusion of the main idea: “the pursuit of a quick buck, at the cost of serving others, will always keep us from being wise.”
From here, we merely had to consider what it looks like in our generation to gain more money at the cost of serving others.
The chief heart application is that we allow ourselves to be sucked into money-making schemes (like going into more credit card debt, getting a new car like the neighbor’s, or spending too much time at the office).
By way of head application, we must know which things will tempt us, and we must choose in advance to watch out for them.
For hands application, we should make different choices when the temptation comes. We should reject easy money.
See here for an explanation of these three types of application.
My hope in walking through this process is that you will be able to duplicate it in your own study of the Bible!
Thanks for flushing out this section to a maximum Peter! It shows some great aspects of Bible study through example!