Since I’m writing this blog to help ordinary people learn to study the Bible, it makes sense (at least to me) to help you learn how to read this blog profitably.
Different people learn in different ways. So I’ve taken a few different approaches to communicate our ideas.
Learner #1: Just the Facts
Some people learn best by hearing the main ideas first. Once they understand the principle, then it helps to see them illustrated. This is the more intuitive thinker. If you are this person, you likely would prefer to look up an address on Google Maps rather than having someone give you their own set of directions to their house.
If this describes you, you might benefit by clicking on “Method” under “Categories” in the sidebar. In the “Method” posts, I start with the principles before implementing them. I also presented the principles in a (somewhat) orderly manner.
Learner #2: Show Me the Money!
Some people learn best by seeing something done. Once they see it in practice, and can experience the payoff directly, they’re more interested in going back to understand the principles behind the practice. This is the more step-by-step thinker. If you are this person, you likely would prefer to have someone describe the tried and true route to their house rather than needing to figure it out yourself.
If this describes you, you might benefit by clicking on “Bible Study” under “Categories” in the sidebar. In the “Bible Study” posts, I aim simply to demonstrate good Bible study of specific passages.
If you’d like more help with the principles, you can click on “How’d You Do That?” under “Categories” in the sidebar. In these posts, I explain the principles behind a few specific “Bible Study” posts. The “How’d You Do That?” posts link to the posts they explain to enable you to read the two posts in conjunction.
Learner #3: Give Me More
Some people will be interested in help with specific parts of Scripture, or in seeing more and more examples. If this describes you, just type the name of a book of the Bible into the search bar. That will bring up a list of all posts on passages from that book.
Learner #4: Prove to Me You’re Not a Weirdo
Some people want to make sure I’m not the only person in the world saying the things I’m saying. That’s not a bad desire, in light of how common it is for teachers to lead others astray with “innovative” or “superior” ideas.
That’s why, from time to time, I point out examples on the internet of other Bible teachers who demonstrate important Bible Study principles. You can find these posts in the “Check it Out” category.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions on further ways I can help you grow in your study of God’s Knowable Word! I’d also love to hear which type of posts you’ve found most helpful.
I am probably between a #1 or #2. I learn from both the facts as well as seeing your examples for doing bible study! Thanks for keeping it relevant!