Last week, I drew these four “credentials” for wisdom from Proverbs 8:22-31:
- Seeking wisdom is seeking the Lord.
- Life without wisdom isn’t truly life.
- The way of wisdom is tried and true. God’s wisdom makes the most sense of how the world works.
- Wisdom gives you eyes to see who alone can make you happy.
In this chapter, Solomon praises God’s wisdom to motivate us to pursue it. Since wisdom can deliver what it promises, we’d be foolish not to chase it.
Before I move into more specific application from these points, I’d like to reflect on the connection between this wisdom and the Lord Jesus. This case presents a helpful example of how to see Jesus in any passage.
A Little History
Proverbs 8 provides a mine field for Christ-centered interpretation because it’s been so often misused. Because of the potential for misuse, many interpreters try to distance Jesus from this passage altogether.
Here’s the problem: In the third century, a heretic named Arius came to prominence with his teaching that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, did not always exist. According to Arius, Jesus was subordinate to God the Father because God had created him. Arius and his followers put much stock in verses like “The Father is greater than I” (John 14:28) and in biblical phrases like “the only begotten Son” (John 3:16) or “the firstborn of all creation” (Col 1:15). If he was begotten—the thinking goes—there must have been a time before he was begotten.
Arianism saw clear parallels between Jesus and Proverbs 8, since “all things were made through him” (John 1:3) and “when he established the heavens I was there” (Prov 8:27). If God created everything by his Word, and the Word is Jesus, and Jesus made everything—then Solomon’s declarations about wisdom’s creative work in Proverbs 8 must be about Jesus.
And so Prov 8:22 became a key verse for the Arian cause: “The LORD possessed me at the beginning of his work.” Some early Bible manuscripts use a word for possessed that could be translated as created, and the Arians had a field day with it. Proverbs 8 is about Jesus→Proverbs 8 says wisdom was created→Jesus must have been created. The links in the chain appear to hold tight.
Ramifications for Today
Far from being an obscure 3rd century problem, Arianism remains alive and well. Some of its most populous adherents include many Unitarians and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons). Leland Ryken also cites a tract from the Jehovah’s Witnesses that make this very argument from Proverbs 8.
Thus Christian interpreters, careful to guard against the dangers of Arianism, sometimes hesitate to acknowledge any connection between Proverbs 8 and Jesus. Proverbs 8 speaks of wisdom→The New Testament speaks of Jesus→Reading Jesus back into Proverbs 8 does violence to the text. By separating the person of Jesus from the personification of wisdom, they avoid the potential Arian problem.
How to See Jesus
However, there is a problem with making too sharp of a distinction between Proverbs and Jesus: We can’t deny that Jesus believed all the Old Testament was about him (Luke 24:44-46). Paul considered Jesus our wisdom from God (1 Cor 1:30). And, well, Jesus was present at the creation as a master workman, just like wisdom (John 1:1-3).
In addition, if you review the four conclusions with which I began this post, connections to Jesus should pop out.
- Seeking Jesus is seeking the Lord (John 14:9).
- Life without Jesus isn’t truly life (1 John 5:11-13).
- The way of Jesus is tried and true. Knowing Jesus makes the most sense of how the world works (Acts 17:22-31).
- Jesus gives you eyes to see who alone can make you happy (Mark 8:22-9:1).
We could support all four of these statements from the New Testament. That doesn’t mean, however, that we must say Jesus was created (Prov 8:22 – even if “created” is the best translation).
My point is this: Proverbs 8 doesn’t have to be an exact, direct prediction about Jesus in order for it to be about Jesus. If you want to see Jesus in the Old Testament, first discover the author’s main point (in this case, wisdom’s four credentials). Then connect the main point to Jesus. It’s okay if not all the details match up exactly.
I find that many times, personally, I will avoid certain phrased (even from Scripture) because it is not the way that my “camp” would say it. That is totally wrong. I need to repent of this… Great post.
That’s a good point, Jake! It’s also important that we make sure to understand what people mean by the phrases they use. For example, saying “Proverbs 8 is about Jesus” does not necessarily mean I’m an Arian.
Jesus crist is the word of God, the spirit of God and the son of God. He is the alfa and omega (the begging and the end). Old testament is the shadow of what is real being Jesus christ. When Solomon said ‘created’ he means being there from eternity to eternity life, there is no time. Jesus was called by many names in the old testament and the new testament, WISDOM is one of them because he is WISDOM himself not there is wisdom in him if I may say. All the prophets are enforced in him without him the world wouldn’t have prophets, kings, Wiseman, love, kind, truth, etc.The spirit of the Lord was in Solomon when he wrote proverbs to reveal the truth about Jesus. He himself ask for Jesus Christ in a form of Wisdom and it was given to him.
Im just an ordinary men sharing what is in my heart. God bless you amen.
I think it is quite significant if proverbs 8 seem to predate the earth and if that is the case then it is talking about Jesus because John1:3 says: through him, that is Jesus, things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. Jesus is the WISDOM we need in our journey as Christians or followers of Christ until we get the our eternal home.
Thank you.
Wisdom no.1 is a Woman and Jesus is a man!! Also John 1:3 says all things were created through the word and without the word nothing ever created has ever been created….So Wisdom is in the created category while the Word is in the uncreated category…its clear as day…I dont think there is need for furthur argument here…
Also i dont believe God is Triune..NO NO…God is the Father Alone.(1 Corinthians 8:5-6) and (John 17:3)..Trinity is a heretic statement..Satanic Statement …so bad it isnt in the Bible….
Jesus is the Word of God(Rev 19:13)…Father is THE GOD….
Wisdom is feminine because the Hebrew word for that is feminine, even if speaking about a male.
God cannot exist without His Word & Wisdom. Without them, He isnt god, & cant create anything.
Therefore, God always existed with His Word & Wisdom. John says it clearly that Jesus is in the bosom of the Father. And is the Word who was with God & was as to His nature deity- This Word became flesh.
The Word Trinity doesnt have to be in the Bible. We use many words that are not in the Bible to describe God. Are you saying God is not Omnipotent??
Time to believe ALL of Scriptures & repent & believe the Gospel of the WORD of GOD , Who always existed with the Father: Jesus Christ, who is the essence & presence of God in human form for our sake.
You have to know what type of literature the author is using when speaking. In this instance, poetic literature is being used. Wisdom is being personified. It’s not that wisdom itself is a woman.
Are we not called the bride? Gods Bride? His church? I’m not saying we are female, but do you see how scripture will use descriptive words to convey the message?
May you be born again. then you will se better. Although the word trinity is not in the bible, and there may very well be some wrong teachings on it. however, just look at the place of Jesus baptism. Jesus is getting baptized in the water, the Holy Spirit comes on Him in the form of a dove, and Father God spoke and said, “this is my beloved Son”. so clearly God exists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. if you personally don’t like the word trinity, that does not mean it is from Satan. To declare this teaching satanic is a very serious issue, and shows that you may not Know Jesus at all. May you come to peace with Jesus.
Thank you so much for referring to Jesus’ baptism. I’m always sharing that with people.
See that scripture means a lot to me personally. Sometimes my wife, kids, and I are together. I’ve always seen this as clear proof that we are all in fact the same person. Many people seem to disagree with this for some reason, and that causes me a lot of frustration. I know what I am!
Just yesterday some guy came to my door telling me about the Bible. I asked him about the trinity, and he said that it wasn’t scriptural. He then shared what must have been like 6 dozen scriptures that he claimed disproved it. One of them was Proverbs 8 so that is why I am here.
Anyway. After he said all of that I told him about Jesus’ baptism. He looked puzzled. Obviously he was never taught right. You know what he said next? What does that have to do with anything? Then he started saying some kind of nonsense about how just because we are standing together at my doorstep that doesn’t mean we are the same person. I naturally told him to watch his mouth! If he keeps mentioning us in the same sentence then the neighbors might start getting the wrong idea that we are actually the same person. They already stare at me enough.
After that I explained to him how I am in fact part of a trinity.That guy got out of there so fast. The truth really rattled him. I hope that he finds God someday. He seemed like a really nice guy. He made some good points too. After seeing that he was clearly 100% wrong about Proverbs 8 I must conclude that all of his other scriptures were also 100% wrong. After all, he could have 100s of scriptures that disprove the trinity, but we have the indisputable evidence that they were mentioned in the same paragraph.
Well, I got to go now. There’s some trouble going on here. Please pray for me. My wife is trying to have me committed because she says she and the kids are scared of me. I keep telling here that isn’t true because I would know if they were scared because we are the same person. That just seems to upset her more. Thanks again!
The parallels between how Christ himself referred to himself, as well as the testament of his disciples draw very close parallel to Proverbs 8. Christ never directly stated that he was God. In proverbs he is next to God, the “craftsman” at the side of God.
Is Christ God himself? He never said so. Is he of the same essence? Yes… of one mind as God yes… but he always portrayed himself or was portrayed as sitting or standing on the right had of Gods throne. Perhaps he is the “literal” son of God, which in itself would make him of the same essence.
I am not sure of the trinity doctrine, at least as it is taught by many denominations, but then again, I am not sure we are meant to actually know. Christ does teach us how to worship, and that we must go through him in order to receive the grace of God and a home in his kingdom.
Avinash Fernandes If Jesus Christ is not God then He is not a Savior. In Exodus “God said to Moses, “I am who I am.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I am has sent me to you.’””
Exodus 3:14 . In New Testament John 8:58 says Most assuredly,I say to you, before Abraham was I AM- In Isaiah 43:11 Says I even I, the LORD” and besides ME” there is no SAVIOR and Hebrew 1:8 Says But the Son He says: Your throne O God, is forever and ever /verse 10 says You LORD in the beginning you laid the foundation of the earth, and the Heavens are the work of your hands