The debate on same-sex marriage rages not only in the U.S. government but also within the church. Confusion abounds regarding whether God approves or opposes same-sex unions.
Last month, The New York Times took a few of the key Bible verses used in the debate, along with explanations from a proponent for each side. This article is not the final word on the topic. It doesn’t necessarily represent the most sound articulation of either viewpoint. But it shows us, without a doubt, how critical the Scriptures are to the debate. One cannot truly claim to follow God without submitting to his word.
But how do we know if we’re interpreting it correctly?
The article touches on Romans 1:26-27, Leviticus 18:22, Matthew 19:3-6, and 1 Corinthians 6:9-10.
Are these teachers reading each passage in context? Have they observed carefully enough? Are they doing justice to the authors’ main points? Is their application sound?
Read, study, and consider. How would you respond to each? (Please note: Trollish comments, or those that don’t address the Scriptures, will be deleted.)
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