I believe in reading the entire Bible quickly, and I think the ESV Reader’s Bible 6-Volume Set is out of this world. So today I’m opening a contest to encourage the former with promises of the latter.
Due to the generosity of Crossway, I have 2 copies of the 6-volume set to give away. And I can assure you: This is not a contest with impossible odds of winning. If you enter, you will not be up against hundreds or even thousands of entries.
- You must read (not scan or skim) all 66 books of the Protestant Bible. You may choose the translation and reading plan (canonical, chronological, etc.). You don’t have to stop and meditate on every detail, but I’m trusting you to be honest about reading and not skimming. Listening to an unabridged audio Bible is acceptable.
- You may not begin until January 1, 2017, and you have until March 31, 2017 to finish.
- To enter the drawing, you must email me at peter.krol@knowableword.com (or contact me through the web form) with the date you finished and what you thought of the speed-reading process. Your thoughts do not have to be glowing, but they should be honest; you’ll still be entered into the drawing if you didn’t enjoy it.
- On or around April 1, 2017, I will randomly select 2 winners from those who have emailed me their entries. And there’s no April Fool’s joke here; I’m just giving everyone a fair 90 days to enter. I will email the winners to get valid shipping addresses.
- If one or more winners are outside the US, and I decide international shipping costs are prohibitive, I reserve the right to email a $30 Amazon gift certificate instead of the 6-volume set. I understand this won’t cover the full set, but unfortunately it’s what’s in the budget for this contest.
- Unfortunately, missionaries with DiscipleMakers are not eligible to win the contest.
I look forward to hearing from you. I hope you have as much fun with this sprint as I do, and may the Lord draw us all nearer to him through it!
This is right up my alley and I have read the Bible in 90 days before. But my current reading plan I already started so it wouldn’t count. Now debating whether to start over or do a new plan. I would love to have this set. Hmmm… I think I will start over on January 1. 😀
I was already planning to do this thanks to a previous post from you. Added motivation!
Challenge accepted. Andy tuned me into this post (as only Andy does so well). Also, Peter, thank you for your continued work on developing these resources. I used your OIA method summary to help a men’s group bible study get off the ground. Appreciate your work for the gospel!
Yours in Christ,
You’re welcome, Brad. Happy reading!
Just saw this. Going to see if I can listen to it on my ESV Bible app in time.
Just finished last night and sent you an email with date and thoughts.
Thank you for the challenge! I’ve never read the Bible in less than a year. Fascinating to see different connections by reading such a bulk of material.