This article by Steve Robinson is addressed to church planters, but there is no reason his words can’t apply to any believer in Christ. Steve talks about the entropy of life, which causes us to lose our bearings and drift from one complex situation to another. Eventually we get so busy that we have no time left for Bible intake. We thereby cut ourselves off from the fount of eternal life and true encouragement.
Again, Robinson is speaking to church planters. But replace “church planter” with “Bible study leader,” “Sunday school teacher,” or even “parent,” and the point does not change:
Church planter: do you want to know the most important thing you can do in your ministry? Chain yourself to the Word of God. I know you have a million and one things to do. I know the needs of your congregation feel unending. But if the Word isn’t your lifeline, you won’t have anything to offer your needy people.
These exhortations are worth considering before you begin to feel the drift. In a time of plenty, how can you lay the tracks in your life that will make it easier for you to keep chugging when you’re going uphill? What habits would you like to form now so that inertia will be in your favor when you face resistance?
Robinson’s article describes glorious motives from Psalm 119 for such questions.
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