Nick Youngson, Creative Commons
Because we’re human, our desires and motivations are in constant flux. Sometimes we want nothing more than to study the Bible, pray, and commune with God. Other times, we look to do anything else.
When my desires for God are weak, I make all kinds of excuses to avoid prayer and the Bible. Maybe you can relate. Last summer I tackled six major excuses we make for avoiding reading and studying the Bible.
- I’m not smart enough to study the Bible. “We compare ourselves to all-stars and find ourselves lacking. How can we compete? If I can learn from experts, why should I study the Bible myself? I’ll never learn as much on my own.“
- I don’t have enough time to study the Bible. “Among Christians, I suspect busyness is the top excuse for not studying the Bible. It seems we don’t have enough time for God’s word. I’ve made this excuse many times myself. But we must confront this Biblical truth: We always do what we want to do.“
- The Bible is boring. “The Bible is God’s word. If God is the creator and sustainer of every atom that exists; if he is infinitely holy, good, wise, and glorious; if he is the very definition of love; then everything about him must be interesting.”
- Bible study is complicated. “Studying the Bible is as straightforward as taking a walk. Lace up your shoes, step out the door, and go.”
- I’d prefer to read something easier or different than the Bible. “Reading a devotional work or listening to a sermon can stimulate your spirit. But this is not the same as reading and studying the Bible for yourself. You need to hear directly from the mouth of God.”
- I’m not motivated to study the Bible. “Though Christians have experienced this once-for-all change, we still drift and search after other fulfillment. We still need reminders about what is most valuable, what is most fulfilling, and what is the best use of our time and resources.”
Ultimately, we need a change of heart in order to seek God. But popping the balloons of our excuses and remembering the truth about God and the Bible can be a helpful step of obedience. As you read, I hope these help you as much as they helped me when I wrote them.
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