Today’s devotional was actually my Easter sermon, so it’s longer than usual. And the first minute of the sermon was lost. Here is the essence of that lost intro:
This Easter morning, I would like to address two questions. How did Jesus have so much confidence in his resurrection? And how can we have a similar confidence in ours?
First, let’s discuss how Jesus could have so much confidence in his resurrection. That he had confidence ought not be controversial. In Luke 9:21-22, for example, we see him predict, well in advance, that he would suffer, be killed, and on the third day be raised. In a similar way, Jesus predicted his resurrection many times. Even to the point that, in John, he states that he has authority not only to lay down his life, but also take it back up.
[Cue video]Psalm 16 Easter SermonPsalm 16 Easter Sermon
Posted by Grace Fellowship Church on Sunday, April 12, 2020
Or watch it here.
Psalm 16 – Confident resurrection
- 1-3 : Commitment
- 4-8: Contentment
- 9-11: Confidence

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