The majority of people who start a read-through-the-Bible-in-a-year plan don’t ever make it to the book of Numbers. They breeze through Genesis and Exodus, hit the quicksand of Leviticus, and give up.
Additionally, Numbers is not a popular book for personal devotions, small group study, or sermons. I think the census that kicks off the book (so many, well, numbers) makes many think this book is little more than a population registry.
But Numbers is packed with interesting and important narratives and instruction. In fact, a great deal of the action in the history of Israel between Mount Sinai and the promised land occurs in Numbers. (Much of it is also retold in Deuteronomy.)
Sure, Numbers has some difficult, slower passages. But the book as a whole is far from a slog. And since all of God’s word is valuable, we systematically neglect a portion of it to our harm.
Wilderness Wanderings
Most church-goers know that Israel wandered in the wilderness for 40 years after coming out of Egypt. Do you know why? After all, it didn’t take that long just to walk from the Red Sea to Canaan.
The answer can be found in Numbers 13–14. You may remember that Moses sent spies to scope out the promised land. When they reported back, they described a fruitful land—but with strong people and fortified cities (Num 13:27–28). Most of the spies concluded that Israel would not be able to go up against these people (Num 13:31). This led the people to despair and look back with fondness at their bondage in Egypt.
Caleb and Joshua were the only spies who believed that God would give the Israelites victory in the land (Num 14:6–9). The people tried to stone these two men in anger. And God became furious (Num 14:11–12).
Moses begs God to forgive his people. But God still delivers consequences for sin. A whole generation must die in the wilderness because of this faithlessness (Num 14:31–35).
Moses Cannot Enter Promised Land
If you skipped from Exodus to Joshua, you’d be surprised to find that Moses did not make it to Canaan. The man who spoke so frequently and intimately with God was not the one who led Israel into the promised land. Why not?
During a time in their journey, Israel had no water to drink and blamed Moses and Aaron (Num 20:2–5). These two leaders took the problem to the Lord, and God provided a solution (Num 20:6–9).
Moses struck the rock before him twice with his staff, and water gushed out. The people drank. But Moses was told to speak to (not hit) the rock, and God was not pleased with this disobedience. Moses may have thought striking the rock was the right way to go, as that solution had worked earlier in the journey (see Exodus 17:6). However, God told both Moses and Aaron that they had not upheld him as holy before the people, and therefore they would not be entering the promised land (Num 20:12). Aaron died shortly thereafter (Num 20:28).
Why are these two incidents (the spies giving a bad report and Moses striking the rock) such a big deal to God? One of the reasons I’m encouraging you to read and study the book of Numbers is to answer that question for yourself! In the context of the book, you can see why these sins were so terrible and why they warranted such swift and steep judgment.
Other Striking Passages
In addition to these two major historical judgments, there are several other passages in Numbers that resonate throughout the Bible.
In Numbers 21, God judged the people by sending fiery serpents among them. Moses delivered the afflicted by making a bronze serpent—whoever looked at this figure would live (Num 21:4–9). Jesus refers to this incident in his conversation with Nicodemus (John 3:14).
Later in that same chapter of Numbers, Israel defeats two kings: Sihon and Og. These battles are not referenced in the New Testament, but they appear scattered throughout the Old Testament as evidence of God’s deliverance from powerful kings. (See, for example, Psalm 135:11 and Psalm 136:19.)
In Numbers 27, Joshua was commissioned as the leader to succeed Moses. This was the first change in national leadership of Israel. Memorably, the episode with Balaam’s donkey also occurs in Numbers, in chapter 22.
Finally, the most famous benediction in the Bible appears in Numbers chapter 6. If you’ve been in church at all, you’ve likely heard those beautiful words: “The Lord bless you and keep you…” (See Num 6:24–26.)
Give Attention to Numbers
The book of Numbers is crucial for understanding the way God works with his people. I’ve only given a brief description of the passages and events above; we need to study them in context to grasp what’s going on.
When you’re next looking for a book of the Bible to read or study, I heartily recommend Numbers—especially if you haven’t gone through it recently. Like all of God’s word, it will richly repay your careful attention.
There’s a joke in here somewhere about a mathematician (me) urging people toward numbers, but I can’t quite access it.
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