Though Mark’s gospel is the shortest in length, his narratives are typically more vivid than either Matthew or Luke, who recount many of the same episodes. In other words, Mark narrates fewer scenes, but each scene tends to include more detail and description than its parallels do. For example, Matthew, Luke, and Mark all tell the story of a ruler who comes to Jesus, kneels before him, and asks him to heal his dying daughter. But only Mark tells us that Jairus falls at Jesus’ feet upon seeing him (Mark 5:22). And only Mark puts the word “saved” (or “made well”) in Jairus’s mouth and, therefore, his expectation (Mark 5:23).
Some may say the devil is in the details. But St. Mark would say instead that in those details you’re more likely to see the Son of God for who he truly is.
Literary Markers
Mark adorns his narrative with such garnished beauty—as befitting the Messiah who rules heaven and earth—that definite markers of distinct sections can be difficult to recognize. Mark masterfully stitches the pieces together and transitions from one scene to the next, thereby leaving few breadcrumbs of any edible size. However, he clearly wants his reader to see Jesus in all his kingly glory, as the first disciples saw him. So he tends to employ those disciples as his chief tour guides.
What do I mean? Mark’s title for his book is clear enough: “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God” (Mark 1:1). This book presents the first part of the great news about Jesus, known here by two titles: The Christ (Messiah, Chosen One) and the Son of God (ruling king). The book then has two major climaxes where disciples have major aha! moments regarding Jesus’ identity. First, the likely disciple: Peter recognizes Jesus as the Christ (Mark 8:29). Second, the unlikely disciple: The centurion at the foot of the cross recognizes Jesus as the Son of God (Mark 15:39). So, besides the prologue of Mark 1:1-15 and the epilogue of Mark 15:40-16:8, the book divides roughly into two halves, each culminating in a declaration of Jesus’ identity and tying everything back to the opening words in Mark 1:1.
The disciples provide even further tour guidance than this. The book’s first half is structured by the calling and training of the disciples, each section beginning with either their summoning or sending, and each section ending with a narrative summary of Jesus’ work with and through those disciples. The book’s second half is structured by Jesus’ efforts to bring his disciples along with his mission to suffer and die. Three passion predictions reveal three shifts that must take place in the disciples’ expectations. Then Jesus intimately includes the disciples, through sending, teaching, and praying, in the ministry of his week in Jerusalem. For more structural detail, refer to the documents linked at the end of this post.
Prologue Walkthrough
In the first 15 verses, we’re presented with tense anticipation for the king who has come. His messenger goes before him declaring an end to Israel’s exile, once and for all, if they would but turn aside from what they’ve been doing. When Jesus shows up, heaven itself is ripped open to declare him the beloved Son of Psalm 2 and Isaiah 42. He relives Israel’s early history in the wilderness, doing for them what they could not do for themselves, and emerging with the news that, with him, the kingdom of God has finally arrived.
The king is here!
Part 1 Walkthrough
Jesus first needs to establish his authority as king. Mark shows this through an extended chiasm (where the second half mirrors the first half but in reverse order):
- Calling by sea – Mark 1:16-20
- 4 healings – Mark 1:21-45
- Paralytic – Mark 2:1-12
- 4 controversies – Mark 2:13-3:6
- 4 healings – Mark 1:21-45
- Summary of ministry by sea – Mark 3:7-12
Jesus appears to have the authority to both heal and bring salvation, as exemplified in the central story of the paralytic, which is simultaneously a healing and a controversy. In that story, King Jesus is also shown to have the authority to take on (and perhaps take down) those currently in authority over God’s people.
So in the second section, Jesus lays the groundwork for his new kingdom which will end up replacing the old. He establishes his people as a new Israel (Mark 3:13-35). He gives them a new set of stories to understand what is happening (Mark 4:1-34). And he both models and praises the new kind of faith required of his citizenry (Mark 4:35-6:6). Will they see it? Will they receive him by such faith?
In the third section, Jesus doesn’t simply sit back and watch; he gets his hands dirty by training and discipling his people into the kind of followers he wants them to be. He takes them through the same sequence of events twice (feed a multitude, cross the sea, argue with Pharisees, discuss matters of bread, and heal malfunctioning senses – Mark 6:33-7:37, 8:1-26) in hopes that they themselves will acquire eyes that can see and ears that can hear (Mark 8:18-21). When he heals the blind man (Mark 8:22-26), we must see the living parable playing out in the disciples’ own lives. Do you see anything? It takes two tries? Who do people say that I am? But who do you say that I am?
Part 1 then climaxes with Peter’s glorious confession: You are the Christ. (The Chosen One.)
Ah, yes. He sees! But does he see fully? Does he understand what that means? What sort of Chosen One will this Jesus be?
Part 2 Walkthrough
Jesus now shifts from his basic identity to a fuller exposition of it: “He began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and … be killed, and after three days rise again. And he said this plainly.” (Mark 8:31-32). But Peter will have none of it. So Jesus now takes them through three cycles of training to reverse their expectation. Each cycle has the following pattern:
- Prediction of Jesus’ suffering.
- Misunderstanding on the part of the disciples.
- Clarification of what discipleship really means.
- Illustration of the principle.
The three cycles (Mark 8:31-9:29, 9:30-10:31, 10:32-52) result in the following three reversals of expectations: The living must die. The first must be last. The great must serve.
The second section of Part 2 is terribly easy to misread if we fail to follow the book’s argument to this point. Jesus has been talking all along about the new kingdom he’s brought to replace the old one. Now the time has come; the revolution will be televised. Chapters 11 and 12 have the explicit purpose of indicting Israel’s current management. This fig tree will not produce figs, so when Jesus curses it, it will wither and die. Then through the temple controversies and all the way to the widow’s meager mite, the witnesses have testified and the evidence is indisputable: This grand system must come down (Mark 13:1-2). But Jesus will not leave his people in the dark. He explains the signs that will mark this coming doom, and he prepares the fainthearted for the inevitable blame they will receive for it (Mark 13:3-36). Then he goes and picks his final fight to get the whole thing moving (Mark 14:1-11).
The third section (which has many parallels to the second section) shows Jesus doing all that he has said. The living one dies. The first of all puts himself last. The great one serves sinners and gives his life as a ransom for many.
In the end, they will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power and coming with the clouds of heaven (Mark 14:62). But first they want to see the Christ and have missed their chance (Mark 15:32). They wish to see Elijah, but failed to notice him back in chapter 1 (Mark 15:36). And the least likely, the Roman centurion, sees the way Jesus dies and proclaims him to be the Son of God (Mark 15:39).
Epilogue Walkthrough
Mark reminds us that others can also see the truth. Some women saw him from a distance (Mark 15:40). One member of the ruling council was, in fact, looking for the kingdom of God and found it in Jesus (Mark 15:43). The ladies then see the tomb of Jesus empty except for a young man dressed in white, who tells them that their king is not here (Mark 16:5).
But don’t worry. You’ll see him again, just as he told you (Mark 16:7).
Can’t you see that Jesus is God’s chosen king, that you might follow him, even to the death?
Interpretive Outline
- The king is here! – Mark 1:1-15
- The king’s credentials – Mark 1:16-8:30
- The king establishes his authority – Mark 1:16-3:12
- The king assembles his people – Mark 3:13-6:6
- The king helps his people to see him – Mark 6:7-8:30
- The king’s pain – Mark 8:31-15:39
- The king reverses expectations – Mark 8:31-10:52
- The king overthrows the establishment – Mark 11:1-14:12
- The king sacrifices himself – Mark 14:13-15:39
- The king is not here! – Mark 15:40-16:8
Here are links for much more detailed observational and interpretive outlines of Mark’s gospel.
This post is part of a series of interpretive overviews of the books of the Bible.
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