Though your top priority when studying the Bible is to grasp the author’s main point, you will do well to develop a few skills to help you get there. One such skill is the ability to spot various literary devices. You don’t need to memorize a lengthy list of such devices, as long as you can recognize them when you see them. It’s sort of like being the father of a large number of children. Sometimes you mix up the names, but you can always point them out in a crowd when necessary.
Word Devices
Some literary devices have to do with the use of words. Identifying key words can help you grasp the author’s main point.
- Repetition is perhaps the easiest device to observe. You would do well to begin any study by simply looking for, counting, and highlighting repeated words. For example, Genesis 14 repeats the word “king” more than 28 times, giving that word tremendous prominence in the author’s argument.
- Continuity is similar to repetition, except it refers to repeated synonyms, thoughts, or ideas. So if a particular concept is repeated in a passage, even without repeating the identical word, it is worth taking note of. For example, Psalm 145 contains continuity of the ideas of “praise” for God’s “works,” even though the poem uses a variety of words (such as “bless,” “thanks,” etc.) to communicate those ideas.
- Inclusio is a particular kind of continuity, where the same word, phrase, or idea is repeated at the beginning and end of a passage. In addition to marking structural boundaries, an inclusio often highlights the author’s thesis. For example, Psalm 8 begins and ends with “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth,” showing that the poem’s main idea has something to do with how God’s majesty is made visible on earth.
Logic Devices
Some literary devices reveal a text’s logic, which will help you to grasp the argument (main point) an author is making.
- Comparison is when two or more things are shown to be similar to one another. For example, in 2 Timothy 2:3-6, Timothy on mission is compared to a soldier, an athlete, and a farmer. By figuring out what the points of comparison are, you’ll better understand why Paul gives the instructions of verses 1-2.
- Contrast is when two or more things are shown to be different from one another. For example, Ephesians 2:1-3 describes what “you were,” and Eph 2:4-6 contrasts it with a big “but God.” Now, you still need to get to the “so that” in Eph 2:7 in order to grasp the main point, but the contrasting sections of 1-3 and 4-6 make the main idea of v.7 really shine.
- Climax is when a text builds up to a high point. In narrative, “climax” specifically refers to part of the plot, near the end of the story, where the tension reaches its high point before being resolved (for example, Mark 2:10 is the climax of Mark 2:1-12). In other text types, a climax occurs when an author builds his argument up to a high point or fever pitch. For example, the argument of Romans 8 builds to the climax of Rom 8:38-39.
- Causation is when a passage moves from cause to effect. For example, God’s condemning sin in the flesh by sending his own Son (Rom 8:3) is the cause of the righteous requirement of the law being fulfilled in us (Rom 8:4).
- Substantiation is when a passage moves from effect to cause. For example, lack of condemnation (Rom 8:1) is an effect substantiated by the fact that the Spirit has set you free from the law of sin and death (Rom 8:2).
Structure Devices
Some literary devices reveal a text’s structure, which enables you to grasp the organization of the material and identify the sentence or section that contains the author’s overall argument or main point.
- Preparation or Introduction provides setting or background for the events or ideas that will be presented. For example, 1 Samuel 3:1-3 contains not the passage’s main point but the necessary background information (in this case, the story’s setting) for the main point to make sense. Drawing a major principle of theology or application from that setting would not be wise.
- Refrain is the regular repetition of a line or phrase in poetry to mark of sections. For example, the refrain of “Restore us, O God; let your face shine, that we may be saved” divides Psalm 80 into three sections (Ps 80:1-3, 4-7, 8-19).
- Explanation or Analysis presents an idea or event followed by its interpretation. For example, Jesus tells a parable in Mark 4:3-8 and then explains it in Mark 4:14-20. This interpretation is pretty important for understanding any parable (Mark 4:13), which subverts the conventional wisdom that parables must have only one point (since Jesus makes many points in his explanation of this parable!).
- Summarization is a clear statement in the text that identifies the main point or intended takeaway. In these cases, we do not have to do much “digging” into the mysteries of the text to grasp the main point; the author comes right out and says it! We do well to pay attention. For example, Hebrews 8:1 summarizes the main idea of chapters 7 and 8. For another example, “Thus Esau despised his birthright” in Gen 25:34 summarizes the scene in Gen 25:29-34. (The author clearly and explicitly blames Esau for this incident; why do so many interpreters ignore this summarization and keep the focus of blame on Jacob? See also Heb 12:16.)
This list doesn’t cover every possible literary device employed by biblical authors, but it contains what I have found to be the most common and directly useful ones when observing a passage. Again, you don’t need to memorize the list, but you should be able to spot these “children” in a sea of words when you buckle down to observe the text. It’s not sufficient to propose a main point for your passage based on what simply feels right. You should be able to defend that proposed main point from the text itself—primarily by enumerating the literary devices that directed you toward your main point.
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