It’s hard to imagine the American restaurant landscape without the drive-through window. It wasn’t always this easy, but now about 70% of fast food customers make their purchases from the comfort of their cars.
The convenience is undeniable. I’ve driven past a coffee place in my town numerous times and seen a line of cars wrapped around the building. (I always wonder how much faster it might be to park and go inside.)
Many of us treat our Bible reading like a trip to the drive through. We want it to be convenient, we want it to be easy, and when we’re finished, we want a neatly-packaged takeaway to sustain us (spiritually) for the day.
Our Desire for a Takeaway
Our desire for a strengthening spiritual nugget is part of what has fueled the daily devotional industry. Every year, publishing houses produce dozens (hundreds?) of collections of short, prepackaged, easy-to-digest Bible teachings designed to help Christians start their days. These often end with a thought or question of the day related to a spotlighted Bible passage.
This seems like a modern and processed form of an ancient practice called meditation. Bible meditation is the practice of thinking pointedly about a verse, passage, or idea for an extended period of time. And Bible meditation is a wonderful way to grow in our understanding of, love for, and obedience to God. But Bible meditation is not the same as Bible reading.
(For the record, I am not opposed to all devotional materials! Many of them are good and edifying.)
Bible Reading and Bible Study
In our desire for a takeaway from our daily Bible reading, we may simply be confusing forms of Bible intake. Bible reading, Bible study, and Bible meditation are certainly related, but they are not the same.
Bible reading is the most straightforward—this is reading or listening to portions of the Bible. Daily Bible reading is often part of systematically making one’s way through a book or longer portion of the Bible. Bible study is a slower, deeper look at a Bible passage with an effort to understand what the author was trying to communicate and then apply that truth. And we defined Bible meditation above.
If we are frustrated that we do not have a takeaway from our Bible reading, it may be a blurring of categories. The main goal of Bible reading is exposure to the larger themes and threads of the Bible, while Bible study aims for deep understanding and application. Bible meditation has a more narrow aim: to turn a specific verse or concept over in the mind for our transformation.
It’s Okay, Keep Going
For those who feel frustrated by their daily Bible reading, I have two short bits of advice.
First, it’s okay. Coming out of your Bible reading without a thought/truth/question/application for the day does not make you (or your Bible reading) a failure. Hopefully you have other opportunities and outlets in your life for deeper, engaged thinking and prayerful interpretation of the Bible, but that doesn’t need to happen every morning.
Second, keep going. The greatest value of daily Bible reading comes not from pointed epiphanies but from the accumulation over time of familiarity with the things of God. We cannot get very far with a few long jumps, even with Olympic-level ability. But if we put thousands of ordinary footsteps together, one in front of the other, we can travel quite a distance indeed.
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