In Exodus 5:2, Egypt’s Pharaoh asks a fateful question that the book of Exodus endeavors to answer in three acts: “Who is Yahweh, that I should obey his voice?” This page serves as a table of contents to my series of sample Bible studies on Exodus.
What to expect of my sample Bible studies
Exodus Overview: Who is Yahweh, that I should obey his voice?
Act I: Yahweh Demolishes the House of Slavery (Exodus 1-15)
Introduction: Though this world, with devils filled, should threaten to undo us (Ex 1).
Part 1: Mediator’s Boot Camp (Ex 2:1-7:7).
Do you want deliverance or not? (Ex 2)
The making of a mediator (Ex 3:1-4:17)
Made like his brothers in every way (Ex 4:18-31)
The God of rest and stink (Ex 5:1-21)
How to deal with excruciating criticism (Ex 5:22-7:7)
Part 2: Frightful Deliverance (Ex 7:8-15:21).
How to understand the plague narratives
- Plague cycle #1: Yahweh our judge (Ex 7:14-8:19)
- Plague cycle #2: Yahweh the divider of peoples (Ex 8:20-9:12)
- Plague cycle #3: Yahweh the destroyer of worlds (Ex 9:13-10:29)
- How to survive the greatest disaster of all time (Ex 11:1-12:28)
- Like it or not, God owns you (Ex 12:29-13:16)
Red Sea crossing
- Watch out when God decides to show you his powerful rescue (Ex 13:17-14:31)
- I will sing to the Lord (Ex 15:1-21)
Officine Della Cultura (2013), Creative Commons
Act II: Yahweh Prepares to Rebuild (Exodus 16-18)
What are you made of? (Ex 15:22-17:7)
Whose flag do you wave? (Ex 17:8-16)
How to be the people of God (Ex 18)
>Summary of Ex 15:22-18:27: You need God’s Law.

Paige (2008), Creative Commons
Act III: Yahweh Builds His House in the Midst of His People (Exodus 19-40)
Part 1: Covenant Made (Ex 19-24)
Come close, but not too close (Ex 19)
Ten Words and two responses (Ex 20:1-21)
The Book of the Covenant
- 6 principles for understanding the case laws of Exodus
- Basic human rights (Ex 20:22-21:32)
- Private property and restitution (Ex 21:33-22:15)
- Social justice God’s way (Ex 22:16-31)
- Doing good through truth and justice (Ex 23:1-19)
- The one relationship you must never neglect (Ex 23:20-33)
Covenant ceremony (Ex 24)
Part 2: Tabernacle Instructions (Ex 25-31)
How to read the tabernacle instructions
Furniture and structure
- Immanuel’s mercy, bread, and light (Ex 25)
- Tent structure (Ex 26)
- Altar of sacrifice, courtyard (Ex 27:1-19)
- Garments (Ex 27:20-28:43)
- Ordination (Ex 29)
- Altar of incense, census tax, basin, anointing oil, incense (Ex 30)
Craftsmen & Sabbath (Ex 31)
What it means for the Word to dwell among us
Part 3: Covenant Broken and Repaired (Ex 32-34)
Our most troubling trouble (Ex 32)
Atonement = forgiveness + reconciliation (Ex 33)
The glorious new covenant (Ex 34:1-28)
Is this glory here to stay? (Ex 34:29-35)
Part 4: Tabernacle Construction (Ex 35-40)
What to make of the massive repetition of tabernacle details
Outrageous obedience (Ex 35-39)
Move-in day (Ex 40)

Ruk7, Creative Commons