To find satisfaction, we must follow God’s example. But that’s not enough. Here’s a second reason for looking to the Lord for satisfaction.
2. In enthroning mankind, God provided wisdom.
At the end of God’s creating work, he gave humanity the authority to rule the world as his representatives: “Fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over…every living thing” (Gen 1:28). They were to care for and protect God’s possessions with love and respect: “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it” (Gen 2:15). When God entrusted people with this task, he did not leave them ill-equipped. He gave them everything they needed: clear instructions (Gen 1:28, 2:16-17), nutrition (Gen 1:29-30), hydration (Gen 2:10-14), aesthetics (Gen 2:9: “every tree that is pleasant to the sight”), and life (Gen 2:7). He even spelled out the consequences of failure so they’d know what to expect: “in the day that you eat of [the tree of the knowledge of good and evil] you shall surely die” (Gen 2:17). In short, he gave them both the knowledge of what to do, and the resources to carry it out. He built wisdom right into the world so they could download it into their hearts. Such is wisdom: Receive God’s help.
What does God’s empowerment have to do with satisfaction? God’s gift to the wise is not only the strength to make wise choices, but also the satisfaction found in doing so. (See Ecc 5:18-20.) If you need strength to do what God wants you to do, you’ll have to seek God to get it. He is the giver of instruction and ability. Wisdom pushes us toward the Lord to receive his power for living.
Let’s say you have a history of unwise dating relationships. You can’t resist a nice body or an attentive ear. You get the attention you desire, but you desire more of it all the time. Because you haven’t learned self-control and self-sacrifice, you can’t keep your lips or hands off your partner. You feel guilty every time you cross the line, but you can see your resolve weakening. You know what Jesus wants you to do. You know what he would do in your place. It’s just so hard to do it yourself. What hope is there that you can find and keep wisdom, and be satisfied in doing so?
Know that if you trust in Jesus, his Spirit is within you. He is at work in you to carry out his will. He can make you more faithful and selfless than you thought possible. His example might encourage you, but his indwelling power provides you with the strength to change. Stop making excuses. Ask him for help, and believe that he can give it.