When I was in college, I attended a conference where the speaker taught the book of Proverbs. He explained the basics of Hebrew poetry. He had us comparing verses, considering metaphors, and thinking hard. He stimulated us and challenged us to pursue the Lord of wisdom, for life, from this book.
I was so inspired by the teaching on this book that I spent the following summer memorizing the first nine chapters. I have sought to rehearse those chapters once per week ever since (almost 25 years!), in hopes of keeping the wisdom of God before my eyes and the fear of the Lord within my heart.
And in addition to motivating me to memorize Proverbs, the speaker offered one of the best, most practical pieces of advice I’ve ever heard for studying this book. He encouraged us to get a cheap spiral-bound notebook and read the entire book of Proverbs once per month (only a chapter a day). Each time through the book, pick one topic, write the topic at the top of the page, and write down all of verses from Proverbs that address that topic. Each month gets a separate page for a separate topic.

That’s it. It doesn’t require a huge investment of time or brain power. It requires only an intent to notice things. And the result is that you get your own usable, topical index of Proverbs for future reference.
I followed this advice for about 4 years, developing my own index of almost 50 topics addressed in the book of Proverbs. And I have returned to that notebook countless times since. It is a common occurrence for me to speak with a friend or child about something or other, when I remember some proverbs that speak to the matter. Only, who can ever remember all the references for the scattershot text of Proverbs? Sure, maybe I can remember “Proverbs 22:6” or “18:24” or “somewhere in chapter 30.” But, with the exception of the first 9 chapters, I will never be able to locate a particular proverb from memory, even if I could quote the words.
So I keep my notebook handy. Being homemade, it had much deeper effect on me than a concordance or search engine ever will. Perhaps at some point I will digitize it for ease of use. But don’t ask me to share it with you; I won’t. You’ll be better off if you create your own.
Thank you, Dr. Putnam. “You can dress Miss Piggy up, but you can’t take her out” (Prov 11:22).